Monday, January 29, 2018

Keep Calm and Carry On

 Good Evening Earthlings!! 

Had to come up with a more creative way of starting my email! Hope you enjoyed it. |

So just a few quick things for this week!

To start I had amazing exchanges with the beautiful Sister Leavitt. She is training after 12 weeks and is doing an amazing job. She was able to be such an example to me in even just the short amount of time we had together. I can't wait to continue to get to know her. 

Then we had zone conference!!

Overall the theme of zone conference was to "Keep Calm and Carry On".
We were able to really talk about controlling what we 'can control' and not worrying about the rest of it. So many times we spend time worrying about things that we have no control over which results in wasted stress. I most definitely have spent a huge chunk of my life having 'wasted stress'. It is so nice to be able to go through and realize, I can't control it, so I am going to let it go. We were also able to focus on 'buoying each other up'. We had a 'Sisters breakout' and I loved it! We hadn't had one since my first Zone Conference and we were definitely in need of one. It was neat hearing everyone help each other out. On a final note, well actually two more things. One, Sister Kearl gave her departing testimony so that was a little sad, but I loved seeing someone I have gotten to know and love get up and bear their testimony of the Savior and truly see how much they have grown over their mission. Now the final note, I got to see Sister Wong and Sister Simpson at Zone Conference. I had 3 of my 4 babies there. I was one proud mama - that is for sure. 

Sis Simpson, Sis Baird, Sis Wong and Sis Tenney at Zone Conference
Sis Baird's 'babies' - Sisters that she helped train in the mission field.

Sis. Baird - enjoying herself at Zone Conference

Sis Kearl, Sis Tenney, Sis Payne (Ward member) and Sis Baird at Zone Conference

Rancho Cordova Zone - Zone Conference

Zone P-Day

Zone P-Day

I love you all and hope you have the best week of your life. 

Sister MJ Baird

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