Monday, January 22, 2018

Spanish Life


I figured since I was in Spanish work for half the week it was a great way to start off this wonderful email. 

Not a crazy amount of things happened this week, so this is going to be pretty short, but I will still give you a bit. 

So after our emailing time last week we got a call from our Mission President letting us know that I would be going with one of the Hermana's in our apartment until her new companion arrived Monday (today). So, starting Thursday morning through about 10:20 this morning I had the privilege of being an Hermana! If you are wondering, yes, I still have zero Spanish skills. I have learned a few random words, but English and ASL are still my thing. I will let the other do the Spanish life. Heavenly Father definitely knew better than sending me Spanish speaking. A few funnies from my adventures in the Spanish life. 

First, the Hermanas are teaching this man from Bolivia and for some reason my brain kept pairing that with Europe not South America. Well, we were in the car and talking about how she one day wants to have something to do with Hispanics and of course, the so intelligent me says, well Bolivian could do! She dies laughing and then lets me know Bolivian is Hispanic.. at least I know now!

Then, every door we would go up to I would just stand, smile and nod along with whatever was being said and as we were saying good-bye the people at the door would look at her and say good bye in Spanish and look at me and say good-bye in English. They totally knew. It was great.

And my final story. Last night we had dinner with a woman who only spoke Spanish. She gave us these plates of food and it was really yummy. Only problem, I am the biggest wimp you'll meet in your entire life. Well I ate the whole thing while downing an entire water bottle. By the end I was most definitely rationing out what water I had left in order to make it last the rest of my plate. We get in the car and Hermana Barrera starts telling me that the woman asked if we thought it was spicy and that she had said no. The woman replied by saying 'wow, you are Mexican!' Hahaha, I just died because I told her, nope I was dying the entire meal. Like I said I'm a wimp. 

Well, I am sure you thought my stories were hilarious, just kidding. I am an awful story teller but hopefully it at least gave you one of those half smirky smiles on your face!

I love and miss you all, oh and yes I am back in my most loved trio! I missed those sisters!!!

Sis Tenney, Sis Baird and Sis Kearl

Much Love Always,
Sister MJ Baird

On Wednesday, January 17, we had the opportunity to be apart of the 'activity days' girls activity. It was so fun!

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