Monday, February 6, 2017

Week two here we go!

Hey all! 

Sorry that I still have no been able to send out a lot of individual emails to everyone. Time is really hard. BUT I love to write letters so send me your address and I can write you a letter a little easier. (Yes, a real snail mail letter!) 

So this week I have three things I wanted to tell you all about.


SO when I was getting assigned my trainer, we sat down and the Mission President asked us who had a teaching appointment tonight and my trainer raised her hand.
He then went on to ask if it was in CHINESE.
So, I am getting 30 minutes a day for language study. Can you believe it?
I can't. But it's not permanent, it's just for this area. I am so grateful for the challenge though, it will be good.

Alright, so I am NOT on a bike for my first area, but actually full car! (Dad injection here - didn't get a chance to clarify this point, but I'm presuming she's meaning that she is not in a 'Car Share' area. Meaning, they have a car to themselves, they do not have to share a car with another set of missionaries.)
Really that is it for that one, but I was excited so I wanted to share :)

The last thing I wanted to share this week was a miracle, well my first mission miracle. 

So there is this part member family (Again, Dad injection here - a part member family is a family in the church that has 1 spouse/parent that is already a member and the other parent/spouse is not a member of the church.) we are talking to, or trying to at least. The husband/father is a less active member who wants to slowly come back and bring his family back with him. 

My missionary name tag and The Book of Mormon!
We were trying to contact them so we decided to stop by. The first time we pulled up to where the house was it was not there. There was no house with the number we were looking for, however, my companion decided to go around the circle where all the houses were and try again. This time we finally saw the house that was not there the first time, we then pulled to the side and when we got out of the car we looked at the driveway and the wife had literally just pulled in.
If we had not driven around one more time we would have found the house, no one would have been home and we would not have seen her and gotten a return appointment. 

It was amazing. 
Sister MJ Baird proudly holding The Book of Mormon

Again, remember to email me your address if you want me to write you a letter!

Much Love Always,  

Sister MJ Baird

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