Monday, April 30, 2018

Roller Coaster of Emotions

Well hey there beautiful souls!! 

This has been quite the week, and regardless of how it ended, it was still a good week!! 

I took notes so this would go more smoothly!!

First, we had the incredible blessing of four new investigators this week. It may not be Brazil level, but hey I am pretty excited about that number. Our Zone is hitting all time highs for new investigators or friends right now. Woot woot for breaking records!! Now, a fun update on how fast things go in missionary work. 

Here is the path for these four new investigators for the week:

Investigator #1
Excited to learn and accepted a baptismal invitation. Then, chose to back pedal and would not accept date or come to church. 

Investigator #2
Referral that we received from another set of missionaries. We had a return appointment scheduled, and when we showed up, she said she did not want to learn and that we did not ever need to come back.

Investigator #3
Got a return appointment and taught a lesson over the phone. 

Investigator #4
We set up a return appointment and had a solid lesson and even extended baptism. Had a super excited yes! Had a second super solid appointment and she accepted the date of May 19th for baptism!! They received a solid confirmation about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon from God. Texted us later that night indicating what time the baptism would take place. Sunday morning before church we received a text from saying that she wanted nothing to do with the church and basically to leave her alone.We managed to convince her to meet with us one last time and are working on scheduling it. So, yeah - one week can make a world of difference. 

However, overall the work is going well here. Mike continues strong and we are finding the elect. Kristin, the one who got married on the 21st, is on date for May 12th and continues to go strong. We are so excited for her. 

We did get to attend the baptism of a YSA named James. She is so sweet and she is now dating our investigator Seven!! We are uber happy for them. It has been a long journey for James, but she is so grateful for the gospel in her life. She is an inspiration to all. 
Sis Baird, James, and Sis Van Valkenburg at her baptism!

Sis Baird, James, and Sis Van Valkenburg at her baptism!

I also got to go on exchanges with the wonderful Sister Maldonado. She is such an incredible young missionary and I love learning from her!! Such a sweetheart. 

Sis Maldonado and Sis Baird selfie!

Transfers will be shared on Saturday night and apparently that may likely decide who will get to 'kill me off' here in the mission field. Pray for them!! 

Much Love Always, 
Sister MJ Baird

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