Monday, April 9, 2018

The Great Coloma Illness

What a beautiful day it is, isn't it?? The sun is shining, so why not be full of joy!!

This week we quite a week. It seems, all my weeks are turning into weeks like that. 

Well I guess I will start with Tuesday!! On Tuesday Sis Van Valkenburg and I had a meeting with some of the other missionaries in the mission, and I got to see the wonderful 'daughter' I was with in El Dorado - Sister Rowley.  She is seriously such an incredible missionary. If you get the chance to meet her one day, it will be well worth it. If she is reading, so sorry. I just love bragging about the ones I love. 

Sis Baird and Sis Rowley (previous companion)

Well Tuesday night took a turn for the not fun. I ended up getting some awful food poisoning. We thought it was from the Cafe Rio we had for dinner, but we don't think it was, but Mom and Dad - I am never eating there again. When you get sick both times after attempting to eat there, you tend to want to never go again. Anyway, we end up finding out on Wednesday night that about 13 or 14 other missionaries were affected by food poisoning as well. Common denominator?? COLOMA. So yep. We all got the food poisoning from the food there and turns out it was not Cafe Rio. I was just the first to get hit. Much better now though!

On Thursday Sister Van Valkenburg then got sick, and Sister Clifford ending up needing to go to the Urgent Care for a DOUBLE ear infection. It was craziness. Sister Maldonado spent the good part of the day with Sister Van Valkenburg and I spend the good part of the day with Sister Clifford. By Friday evening, we were doing much better. 

On Friday evening we were able to do team ups with Sister Searle and Sister Workman. They are wonderful. I got the chance to be with Sister Searle and she is incredible. I have so much to learn from her!! 

Sis Baird and Sis Searle on team ups.

Other than that all week, we managed to have some amazing lessons!! Mike is still going strong. We had quite the bitter sweet moment on Sunday, when he went to get church clothes instead of coming to church. They ended up feeling pretty wiped out from it. They are older and his wife is super fragile in health. Next week for sure!! 

Seven is doing amazing as always. He had an amazing spiritual experience, then had a great lesson, probably the hardest but best one yet, and then was in church on Sunday, sharing about the incredible experience he had. We are seriously so proud of him and how far he has come!

Well, sorry this was a longer email. I guess that is what happens when I actually plan what I am going to say. Woot woot for being prepared. 

For those who had continued to read, thanks for staying loyal. Don't miss your chance, you have only 10 weeks left to send me a letter and email. It isn't too late! ;)

Much Love Always, 
Sister MJ Baird

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