Monday, February 26, 2018

Apartment Rearranged.

What a week!! 
Hello beautiful souls! This has been quite the week. Not a typical week, but a week nonetheless. 

We started out the week, almost completely working on cleaning and scrubbing the apartment!!

Prepping apartment to spray for cockroaches!

Prepping kitchen cabinets for spraying for roaches!

We had really bad cockroaches and Sister Richins and I were done. So we got it taken care of at the expense of barely going out to work. But the cockroaches are taken care of and in about a week and a half they should be completely gone. Yay!! However, because of the sacrifice, I know that Heavenly Father was very aware of us. 

I will start with the update on Jimmy though. Did you think there would be one? Well, on Wednesday as we were scrubbing cabinets, the phone rings and this time instead of a "Private Number" it is just a plain ole sac number. So we answer it in our typical, "Hello this is Sister Baird and Sister Richins", BUT right as we answered a leaf blower started going super loud and we were unable to be heard and this man started speaking saying he did not hear that and that he was looking for the two ladies who he talked to last time about the card being left. He said he had a hard time reading the handwriting so he was not sure if this was the right number. (opps..I guess I need to work on writing clearly) but by this time we knew who it was and I promptly told him he had the wrong number and he immediately hung up. We have yet to hear from him since, a blessing from Heavenly Father for sure. 

Now onto the miracles that happened yesterday and today

1. We went to Mather Ward and were just ready to start a new week, giving it our all. We felt bad for not doing all we wanted to last week, but were ready for the coming week. Well after sacrament meeting this woman comes up to us and lets us know that she has investigated the church for 10 to 11 years and wants to be baptized, and that it needs to be done before March 27. We immediately set up lessons and are so ready to teach her!!!

2. After Mather Ward we get into the car and have a text from this sister in Anatolia Ward letting us know that she has completed the challenge (to find us someone to teach within 2 weeks) and has set up for us to have dinner and a lesson on the 8th of March. It had been about 3 days since we extended the challenge. That is in our schedule and we are super excited. 

3. We get to our lesson this morning (sacrificing part of our pday was worth it) and we get a call from another member in Anatolia Ward to whom we have extended this challenge. Well, she said she found us someone and has set up lunch for the four of us for this Thursday!!1

4. We then had a lesson with Kelly this morning and she accepted, easily, the baptismal date of March 17th, which is also the same baptismal date of her son who converted about 11 years ago. 

Heavenly Father poured out blessings this weekend and I am so incredibly grateful. 

I know He is there. I know He is so aware of us and is waiting for us to reach out to Him. 

I love you all and hope you have an incredible week ahead of you!

Much Love Always, 
Sister MJ Baird

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