Monday, October 2, 2017

I got asked on a double date!!

I love you all <3

Well, I guess I should probably explain the subject line, before I forget to! 

Our Zone has been making an extra effort in doing what is called "Car contacts" in order to truly try and talk with everyone. Well we were driving down the road and saw these two boys, so I pulled over and Sister Rowley ran over to talk to them. Neither excepted a Book of Mormon, but she did get one of their Facebooks. They mentioned that they had a friend who would like to hear about God. So, we messaged him and asked about the friend. He then proceeded to ask us on a double date for Sushi where we could talk about God. When we mentioned two other missionaries who could go meet them for Sushi and talk about God, he then asked maybe just the Sushi?Hahaha, considering I have only ever been on one real date, I thought it was pretty funny. Oh! Forgot to mention, he was from Russia. The other friend on the street was from Chile!

Now about Taia! She is doing amazing! We were able to go and do a Temple tour with her this week and have her actually go inside and sit in the waiting room. The Spirit there is seriously so beautiful! If you have a chance to go to the Temple, DO IT. Take advantage of it, because it is the best place on Earth. It is my favorite place on Earth. 

Conference was also AMAZING. I truly love each and every message we were given. There is something for everyone. No matter who you are or what questions you have, there is something for you. If you did not get a chance to watch it, go and watch it! It is worth, that I promise you. 

Today, we had fun and were able to have a combined preparation day with the North Sacramento Zone and the El Dorado Zone. It was fun to be able to hang out with a Zone that we do not usual get to spend time around. I loved it. We played some fun games, and just had a good time! 

Well, sorry this week is a bit dry, but so is life. Remember, the Lord loves you and is always aware of you. ALWAYS. He loves you and that is never going to change. Ever. Trust in Him and rely on Him. Always. 

Much Love Always, 
Sister MJ Baird
How fun to wake up to a GROSS bug on your ceiling.
This also is a tiny picture of it. It was nasty and huge.
Dad comment "We all know how much Sister Baird likes bugs!!"

Missionary parking; backing isn't fun for anyone!

When you both can't be "IN" the church at the same time. Rules.

Brooke - she leaves for her Mission

Alana! I just love her! 

We made ALOT of rice for the Zone lunch in between conference.
They managed to eat a bit over half!

When you get to Church and an Elder is wearing your sunglasses


Morning Glory for the win!

Sunsets in Cameron Park

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