Tuesday, October 10, 2017

1/2 of the way there and trusting in the Lord like never before!

Hey all, 

What a week. I will start with transfer calls. Heavenly Father is quite the comedian. Thursday I got a call from the wonderful President Hymas. He then informed me that I would be training AGAIN, and that I would be shotgun training, AGAIN. So yes, for the third time in a row, this girl is a proud Mama.(In the Mission world, the term 'Mama' refers to 'becoming a trainer to a new Missionary straight out of the MTC'. Its kinda like having a 'kid', hence the term.)
Also, Sister Rowley found out that she was being transferred and they sent her down to Folsom 4th and Silva Valley Wards. My old wards! They are going to love her. My new area is the Elk Grove Ward in the Elk Grove Stake. I found out yesterday that it is full bike!! It is going to be a blast. 

My new companion is Sister Simpson and she is super sweet. She is from Utah and so excited to be on a Mission. She loves holidays, singing, no pulp orange juice and likes to be warm. I swear we are of the same soul. We are going to have fun this transfer. Something crazy, for the first time in my mission I am also living in an apartment. No more members. Most don't go that long living with members, but I guess Heavenly Father knew I needed it. 

The work in Cameron Park was going fairly well. We had a pretty bomb week set up for Sister Rowley and her new comp and when we found the Elders would be taking over it was quite the shock. Hopefully they don't mess it up. I'm praying. It isn't easy having your area shotgunned. (Term implies when both current missionaries get transferred out and the area is replaced by two net new missionaries that have never worked in that area.) Just means I am going to work that much harder not to mess this one up!! 

Cool little fact, exactly a year ago today, I opened my mission call at the Laie Hawaii Temple in Laie, Hawaii. My how time flies!! AND...tomorrow is my 9 month mark, or my half way!! Hence the title of this weeks email/blog!! 

Sorry this week does not have much information on people, but I am looking forward to being able to tell you more about the work this coming week. 

If you are not reading the Book of Mormon daily, do it!! I promise it will change your life. It changed mine and I have seen it changed the people I am around as well. 

I love and miss you all. Enjoy the beautiful fall, best season ever!!

Much Love Always, 
Sister MJ Baird
Sister Baird and Sister Rowley
Rice Egg Tacos?

Sister Baird and Sister Rowley
Us being us!

The Meinzers (Ward Members) and Sister Baird

L to R: Sister Rowley, Sister Conover (Ward Member) and Sister Baird

L to R: Sister Rowley, Sister Mies (Ward Member) and Sister Baird
Sister Baird and Sam, a convert and her family!

Sister Baird and Sister Rowley - End of Transfer 2 together.

Sister Baird and Sister Rowley
First preparation day together.

Sister Baird and Sister Rowley - Last pic together.

Sister Baird and Sydney the dog. Not to be confused with Sidney her beautiful Sister!

Sister Baird and Sister Rowley with Brother Ashton

Sister Baird and Sister Rowley with their recent convert, Kristi!
The Cambridges (from their Ward) and Sister Baird and Sister Rowley. 

L to R: Sister Rowley, Sister Goff (Ward Member) and Sister Baird
The Whites (Ward Members) and Sister Baird

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