Monday, August 7, 2017

A Blur of a Week ending with a Knowing

Hello beautiful people,

So sorry if the title does not make sense right now, but hopefully it will by the end of this. 

This week has by far been one of the fastest weeks on my mission. It has flown by to the point where Sister Rowley and I were in utter shock that it was already Sunday. 

This week has had some incredibly bitter sweet moments. A bitter moment would be the fact that we had to release Barbi. She will always have a special place in my heart, but for now it was not here time. One day it will be, that I know. 

A sweet moment: WE PUT KRISTI ON DATE FOR SEPTEMBER 9TH!! She is such a sweet lady. She has come to church 2 Sundays in a row and has loved it. Did I mention she stayed for ALL THREE HOURS both weeks??? She is awesome. We are the only companionship in the zone with someone on date. Man is that different than I am used to. 

Another sweet moment, we were able to get another three new investigators this week!! The Lord is amazing. When we work hard and do everything the best way we can, he blesses us. Not always in investigators, but always in some way. 

Sunday ended in a pretty bitter moment that I am sure a lot of you already know about. Those who don't, please just keep the Hinckley family and the Chicago Illinois West Mission in your prayers. 

I want you each to know that I know the Plan of Salvation is a gift from our loving Heavenly Father. It is a plan that is perfect and created for each and everyone of us. In times of trial and darkness, it gives us peace and comfort. It does not always make thing easier, but it helps us to continue pressing forward. Heavenly Father lives. Jesus Christ lives. He went through the Atonement so we would never have to be alone. He understands everything we are going through. All of it. Small or large. I know that those we lost early in this life, we WILL see again in the next. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church on the Earth. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. 

My faith in the Plan of Salvation has been tested more than I ever imagine this week, and I can say without a doubt in my heart that it is a very real thing. It is a beautiful blessing. 

I love each and everyone one of you, but more importantly, your Heavenly Father loves you. 

Much Love Always,
Sister MJ Baird

P.S. I will send some pictures in another email shortly. Well soonish. 

Tyler Hinckley, you will be missed greatly.

R to L: Sister Baird, Sister Koller, Sister Rowley, another Sister and an Elder from her mission. She didn't share their names.

This is definitely Sister Baird!

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