Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Full of joy because someone came closer to Christ!

Hello beautiful people! Isn't it a marvelous day? I will pretend you all respond to that :) 

Well, I am in a really good mood, so this email may be more upbeat than some in the past. Not that I am ever a debbie downer.. anyway! Moving along. 

This week we had two bigger things occur. The not as exciting one, TRANSFERS!! We sadly had to say goodbye to 21 amazing missionaries this week, but were blessed to have 25 amazing missionaries come in! Three of which are in the El Dorado Zone!! Woot, woot!! Don't ask me why, but I seriously just love new missionaries. The news for Sister Rowley and I? We are staying together in the Cameron Park Ward, and I am still driving. Still. I honestly thought it would go to her this transfer, but nope the Lord had other plans. I am sure He had a good laugh watching me get that call. I was pretty confident it was switching.. 

And the other MOST AMAZING NEWS. KRISTI GOT BAPTIZED. My joy was and still is so exceedingly full. She was such a miracle to walk into our lives the way she did, and now she has followed the example of Jesus Christ and was baptized!! She is the most wonderful person. She loves whole-heartedly, and simply wants to come closer to Christ.

Sister Baird and her recent convert, Kristi, at her baptism. 

Sister Baird, Kristi, and Sister Rowley
At Kristi's baptism.
At her baptism, she bore a beautiful testimony and I could not help but have tears in my eyes. This gospel is true, I know it with everything in me. More and more I just wish everyone would see how amazing Jesus Christ and His gospel is. He knows us so perfectly. We are never alone. We never have to fear, because with Christ we can get though anything. I love this gospel. I love the Book of Mormon. I have read it and I know without a shadow of a doubt that it is the word of God. All you have to do to know is ask God. Be willing to accept and act on what He says and HE WILL give you the answer. 

Sorry, well not really, but had to get that out there. Moving along. I honestly cannot remember a lot of what happened besides that. 

We set goals, so that was exciting. I am already seeing a difference as I have focused on mine over the past 24 hours. BE HAPPY PEOPLE. It is such an amazing feeling. 

Sorry there isn't a crazy amount this week, but I would love to hear what makes you smile in life!! Smiling is the best! :D P.S. If you are struggling to smile, read the Book of Mormon and blow some bubbles. :)
#missionlife. Look next to your bed and see 4 Book of Mormons and your quad.

I love and miss you all!! 

Much Love Always, 
Sister MJ Baird

PS. Pictures will be coming this week. I know I always say that, but I mean it this time. I apologize for the fact you will get more than one email this week. 

P.P.S. Remember SMILE :D

Sister Baird and Sister Rowley

We have this awesome artist in our ward and she gave us ornaments she designed, so we decided to act them out.

"A recent converts son, HE'S THE CUTEST" - Sister Baird

House on stilts out in the boonies. I love it here!

Illinois people, recognize? He served in Rock 1 and 2. And did the Nativity with us!

We made this awesome jello thing with an Elders sunglasses.
He thought they were missing for a week, it was great.
Sister Baird and Sister Rowley - selfie time?

Sister Baird - enjoying the 'gorgeous sunsets in the boonies'.
Sister Baird - enjoying the 'gorgeous sunsets in the boonies'.

Sister Baird's Zone - last transfer! 

Zone Conference - love these sisters!

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