Monday, April 10, 2017

Snow?....I thought I went to California!

Those who are still paying attention,

Thanks if you are still reading these, makes me feel loved, so does getting emails by the way ;)

Attention Cody Hale, Blair family and Sister Ryan, still need those addresses. <3

Now onto to those updates and incredible thoughts I give every week.

Exciting news! Luis was officially baptized this week and it was amazing! You could tell he was so happy. He cried quite a bit. Sister Anderson and I actually did the missionary moment for the baptism so that was cool. The missionary moment is when we show everyone what was taught during the first lesson with Luis. It was super cool. For those who understand the words I am about to say: we taught the restoration in about 10 minutes. that was basically it. Anyway, he is awesome and I will attach a picture of that.

L to R: Elder Galvez, Elder Perry, Elder Forte, Luis, Bro. McVey, Sister Anderson, Sister Baird

Madi and Cassandra! I don't know if I have mentioned them yet, I think I did, but they are amazing! Madi honestly could and would be baptized tomorrow if she could, but she wants to make sure that her mom is completely comfortable with it first. But she knows she will be baptized. Our goal is to get them on a temple tour this week. #perksofbeingclosetoatemple I will let you know how things go with them!

Other than that we are considering releasing Laura and Tony.I hope not, but we will see. It is whatever Heavenly Father wants to happen for them.

In other news not related to people, we have zone conference coming up this week and I am pumped! Singing with Elder Lee in my zone so that will be fun. I also might be in a trio for the rest of the transfer. We will see! Craziness. We also have 12.5 hours of service this week. Thank you Easter city thing! I love service, did you know that? Because I do! Well, update on my Book of Mormon reading, I am on Mormon 4!!! Finished 3rd Nephi and 4th Nephi (only 1 chapter..) and am so pumped. I am getting so close tofinsihing it!

Sister Baird and Sister Moffett playing in the snow!
Oh! I was in snow this week and had exchanges!! Gave out a Book of Mormon within an hour of starting exchanges!! And shared the Prince of Peace video twice. It was amazing. Yes, snow is still cold.
Sister Baird attempting to enjoy the snow!

Sister Baird enjoying the snow!
Well, that is all for this week. One shout out because I am me and I must do so!

Arabella, my most beautiful niece is turning one this Sunday, April 16th!! AND....She is officially walking and is the cutest one year old on the planet. I will fight you if you disagree. Kidding, kind of :D.

I love you all!! And Happy Easter. I know that my Savior loves me and loves each and everyone of you. He lived, died and lived again, so that you could live again. I know that with everything in me.

Much Love Always,
Sister MJ Baird

Sister Baird and Sister Anderson enjoying milkshakes at a members home!
Sister Baird and Sister Anderson at the Jorgensen's home!
(Side note: The Jorgensen's son is currently serving in the Nashville Tennessee Mission,
which happens to be the mission that my parents live in! Small world...maybe my parents
 will be able to return the favor and feed Elder Jergensen and his companion!)

Gettin' donuts!
L to R: Sister Baird, Sister Brown, Sister Sessions, Sister Miko, Sister Moffett

Sister Baird and Sister Miko

This picture is pointing where you can actually
see the entire California Sacramento Mission.
Sister Anderson and Sister Baird showing you
 the California Sacramento Mission behind them!
Sister Anderson and Sister Baird striking a pose
with the California Sacramento Mission as a backdrop!
Sister Baird saying "Waalaa" - Here is the California Sacramento Mission!
Sister Baird and Sister Anderson posing in front of
the California Sacramento Mission.
A viewpoint where you can see entire mission.

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