Tuesday, January 24, 2017


In order, top row R to L: Elder  Willoughby, Elder Horman, Elder Fowler, Elder Quinn
Middle row: Sister Megan Baird, Sister Koller (her companion!), Sister Christensen, Sister Brown
Bottom row: Sister Hatch, Sister Leavitt (went to BYU-Hawaii!), Sister Rushton

Sister Baird standing in front of the infamous 'World Map' that is at the MTC
where all missionaries stand in front of to get their picture taken.
Okay, so I know last week was my first week in the MTC email, but turns out it is my last preparation day in the MTC! Next Sunday, during the middle of the night, I will be flying out to Sacramento!! I can't express how excited I am to be in the field. Teaching real people, it is going to be so amazing!! Well, I am officially acting Sister Training Leader with my companion, which means we are the oldest in the zone. When the heck did that happen? We also get the second batch of newbies on Wednesday since I have been here. Time seriously flies by when you are doing the work of the Lord. 

One of the cool things we do here at the awesome MTC is TRCs. It is where we teach two investigators for a week, with 3 or 4 appointments. They could be real investigators or members of the church, we don't actually know. Buttttt, with the two we had last week we got both on date for baptism and we got them to agree to meet with missionaries in their actual areas in case they were real investigators. Oh the feeling of bringing the gospel to people is amazing!! I love it so incredibly much!
Sister Koller and Sister Baird
This week it is going to be short, because seriously an hour is just so stinking short.

My companions name is Sister Koller. She is from the Cash Valley area here in Utah. My district has four sisters going to Sacramento, myself included.  A trio of sisters going to the Houston South Mission, one set of Elders going to Washington Kenniwick Mission and the other set going to Arkansas Bentonville Mission. I am sorry for the terrible spelling that just went on. - (Dad corrected!) We are so incredibly close and love each other so much. it is definitely unusual for so many of us to be going to different places, but we know that we were put together for a reason. This district is inspired. The Lord is amazing.
Sister Baird's MTC District

I love the MTC. To anyone going in soon, please remember that it truly is about your attitude! Next time I email, I will most llikely be in CALI!! 

If I don't respond to you personally please know I want to, but with the time I am given sometimes, it just is not possible. I do love getting the emails throughout the week. I love each and everyone of the them. Hearing about you and your lives. It inspires me to keep moving forward. Stay wonderful.
And some advice from Elder Holland about sharing the gospel. Don't be afraid to open your mouth. By staying quiet that is you allowing satan to bind your tongue. It definitely gave me a new perspective.

Also met two missionaries going to the CHICAGO WEST mission. I was so excited. 

Alright all!! Until next time.

Much love always,
Sister Megan Baird

Carys Bott (friend from BYU-Hawaii), Sister Baird
and Elder McKee (MJ's friend from BYU-Hawaii - who was in the MTC at the same time as her.

Sister Baird and Sister Koller
Sister Koller and Sister Baird 

Sister Baird in front of the Provo Temple in Provo, UT

Elder Fowler taking a selfie with Sister Koller and Sister Baird (other Elders I don't have names for.)

Sister Megan Baird with Elder and Sister Baird - obviously a picture was taken b/c they share the same last name!

So, those of you in the Rockford, Illinois Stake will know these two! Of course, Sister Baird had to take a picture of their plaque!

Sister Emily Peterson and Sister Baird
(A dear family friend that arrived at the MTC the same day as Sister Baird and she is headed to Mongolia for her mission.)

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